
The world is rapidly changing, and how you manage to adapt to that change is fundamental to staying relevant in the next coming years. The ability to adapt, in a rapid phase, as well as go from zero to 1 does sometimes need a nudge, and that's what we do at WilburFlow.

Our experienced coaches have helped organizations with a wide range of transformations challenges over the last 15 years. We have helped leaders, and teams adapt to a new mindset and get to know the best tools for collaboration, co-creation, and rapid change.

What to expect

  • Happier people, teams, and leaders
  • An agile organization that delivers value on a regular basis with the customer in the center
  • Reduced cross-functional pains in your organization
  • An increased pace of innovation
  • A simplified way of working with innovation and co-creation
  • Reduced gap between your commercial and IT organization
  • Reduce organizational, technical, and design debt

Where do we start? 

We start out by running an effective overall audit where we get an overview of the situation and challenges. Then we jump in and start working together as a team, finding what's the best way to move forward. We have a lean-agile approach where our coaches join your team, implement rapid experiments that we evaluate as we go forward.

Note. Even if we got years of experience and great tools at our disposal we can´t predict how long this will take, because change takes time and all organizations have different conditions to take in mind but we can promise you it will be a tough but fun ride! 


How can we help you? 


Do as other leaders and innovators, subscribe, and take part in the latest from us!

Do as other leaders and innovators, subscribe, and take part in the latest from us!

About us

WilburFlow helps organizations develop their leaders and employees by giving them tools for innovation and a mindset for change.


WilburFlow helps organizations develop their leaders and employees by giving them tools for innovation and a mindset for change.


Work with us

We are always open to new collaborations, partnerships, or meeting new interesting people, who want to move the needle with us.


We are always open to new collaborations, partnerships, or meeting new interesting people, who want to move the needle with us.


Vi är alltid öppna för nya samarbeten, partnerskap eller träffa nya intressanta människor, som vill flytta nålen med oss, hör av er får vi något att hända !



Boost your teams' creative confidence, arouse curiosity, and increase engagement with 90DaysOf. 


Boost your teams' creative confidence, arouse curiosity, and increase engagement with 90DaysOf. 


© All rights reserved WilburFlow 2020

© All rights reserved WilburFlow 2020

© All rights reserved WilburFlow 2020
