22 February, 2022

What I learned from a Digital Transformation Theater

Have you ever realized the amount of time you spent in worthless meetings and how easy it is to get caught up in busy work...so this is one of those stories.

It´s noon and your stomach says you need food, your brain is trying to wake up. You have just spent four hours in a weekly meeting that you will never get back.

The weekly meeting began at 08.00

We are about 30 digital experts sitting in a traditional boardroom that holds 25 people, on the projector screen we see a classic PowerPoint with the text "ResultMeeting v45" with a "sexy" PowerPoint slide with people cheering. Guessing the purpose of the slide was to make the numbers more "engaging". 🎯

Our boss enters the room with rapid steps and calls out while moving toward the whiteboard:

- Good morning everyone, hope everyone is doing great, we don´t have that much time today so I hope everyone is psyched and ready to go! 

Then a four-hour number medley began🤓 , when the participants were done presenting their numbers, they sat down, with empty eyes 😵‍💫, slowly sinking down into their chairs. 

There is always someone who falls asleep at the meetings, sometimes several(me myself once after a late client meeting the day before), it usually happens when you "rest" your eyes a little too long if you understand what I mean.  🥱 😴

But this day I met the eyes of others who have already checked out. It's like being back in school again, you know that feeling when you lost focus after 10min and you count the seconds until the clock strikes 12.

The meeting finally ends, you stand up, you have since 30 minutes ago started texting with other participants where you should go and eat, everyone takes their things and goes out on the town.

You feel heavy in your head, irrelevant figures on outcomes and budget, figures that do not say anything about what customers think or think, figures that are compared to last year and do not take into account new behaviors or events.

The rest of the day was very inefficient as you were trying to get back to that focus and energy you had before going into the meeting. 

What the hell happened I asked myself!? 🤯 Should work be like this? You have spent over 16 years at various start-up and scale-up companies, met ill-run entrepreneurs, constellations of people who create monster growth machines with just a few resources, and now you are stuck in meetings talking about meetings when your time to market is getting slower by the meeting. Yeah and running the numbers in the business case you by easy figure out this wasn´t really effective or created any value for the co-workers or the business. 

We were there to digitally transform the business, but we were stuck in the act of a traditional number at the transformation theater that did not lead up to anything else than lost productivity. What could have been a Chat update and a 15 min stand-up became so much more of a culture killer.

Btw. There was nothing wrong with the people in the room! This was just one example of the wrong environment, culture, context, management styles that we all have experienced some time in our life...

For me, this was one of those experiences that gave me the wake-up call, that things needed to change. I was wasting time and energy, and so did everyone around me in the room. So I asked myself, how could we skip the busy work and focus on finding the moment of truths that really matter in a rapid phase so all of us can become highly effective, aligned, and collaborative. Yeah, and have fun doing so!

That's why WilburFlow was founded, WilburFlow is a design-driven innovation firm that helps companies create new businesses and products in a rapid phase. With unrivaled expertise in both product and experience design, we partner with industry leaders to create bold products, experiences, and digital platforms that are designed around the needs of their customers and the contexts in which they use them.

And by now you are probably wondering why I am sharing this story...

Long story short, this is my first of several upcoming series on how to build Great; - Leaders, -Teams, -Experiences, and -Products. Followers will be getting access to Insights, Challenges, Experiences, learnings as well as valuable treats, guides, canvases from our product, business, and team development programs at WilburFlow.

So stay tuned and follow me, subscribe to your monthly newsletter, and follow WilburFlow in our social feeds.

Joacim Alm

Yeah, and don´t forget to smile, it looks good on you!
/ Joacim Alm
Founder of WilburFlow

1 January, 2021

Evolving your Customer Experience in 2021 and beyond

Imagine how your customer experiences today differ from your experiences only a few years ago. Our interactions with companies, products, and services have changed considerably over a relatively short period of time. The standards of customer experience are changing rapidly, fueled primarily by technological progress.

More customers are stating that customer experience is a big part of how they make purchasing decisions. This means more of us are demanding better treatment and are willing to pay for it. It’s now time to shift from digital transformation to experience transformation.

At WilburFlow, we are passionate about helping companies grow and taking advantage of their employees' potential by becoming customer-centric and design thinking on a path of continuous learning. 

We love trends in customer experience, even if we try to keep ourselves from trying to predict the future. Our ambition with these predictions is not to give a complete picture of everything that will be important in 2020 in terms of customer experience but to highlight five powerful trends that will have a major impact on many companies.

Customer experience will continue to grow, change, and evolve, but what will happen in 2021?

Understanding changes in customer needs and expectations and acting on those insights is the key to success in today’s dynamic experience economy. So let’s take a moment and talk about how the customer experience field will evolve in 2020.

1. We will continue to move from creating occasional positive experiences to taking care of the entire customer journey

It will become more important to understand and measure the value of investments in customer experience and the ability to provide personalized interactions at scale. It is not just delivering one-off experiences that get lots of attention but rather becoming an organization that can meet expectations every time.

2. We will start delivering an improved customer experience through trust and transparency

Transparency in the digital age is one of the most important and pressing customer experience trends. Being highly transparent in terms of advertisement, pricing, business practices, etc., can help build and maintain trust with your consumers.

3. AI Bots are going to play a bigger part in your digital customer experience

We can expect increased adoption of virtual assistants and it will soon become the primary channel of self-service. 

Chatbots provide two main advantages over chatting with a human: speed and availability. But contrary to popular belief, virtual agents aren’t about to replace humans in front-end operations. With the help of AI and chatbots, human customer service agents can save time and effort, become more productive, and focus on being a source of revenue rather than being a cost center.

We should perhaps add that chatbots are more than just customer service tools. Chatbots can be great for marketing and sales as well as be integrated with social media channels to automatically respond to direct messages from consumers.

Even though bots are becoming a bigger part of customer interaction, what matters is creating frictionless experiences from the customer’s perspective. Therefore it's also critical you focus on identifying when a customer needs help or needs to decide on something, and based on that need, take care of the customer the right way. When a customer needs human help, they must get it.

4. We will see more hyper-personalized experiences

Big data and companies' improved ability to capture, use, analyze, and draw insights through the data will enable companies to target customers in real-time and take personalization to the next level. 

Personalization is the key to customer experience. According to Accenture, 75% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that knows their name, purchase history, and/or recommends items based on their purchase history. But it doesn’t stop there; according to a study by VentureBeat, 77% of digitally exposed consumers expect a super personalized digital experience. Consumers want the services and experiences customized according to their needs, preferences, and requirements 

Extreme personalization or hyper-personalization will be the main focus for many brands in 2021 and beyond.

5. We will get better at integrating customer experience metrics in our KPIs and show experience related business results

We will get better at integrating experience data operational data swell as using those insights to create better products and services. 

Given that we are facing tougher times, ROI will dominate the discussions, and proving the benefits of investing in customer experience will be increasingly important.

On top of that, 2021 will hopefully be the year when we finally figure out who’s responsible for delivering on those customer experience KPIs. A new set of senior customer experience job titles has appeared

The big picture:

Some of these trends, such as personalization, have been around in some form or other for quite some time and will continue to be so. But all are important for companies that wish to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers.

We live in a rapidly changing world where digital transformation is forcing companies to change their business models and adapt to the new market reality. But it’s not companies that are driving this change; the customer is driving it. Investing in customer experience is a question of survival for many companies.

To address their customer experience challenges companies should adopt a unified customer experience strategy and apply design thinking over sales, service, and marketing to redefine technology and business processes.

Companies must also identify user narratives across the customer lifecycle by strengthening customer relationships, driving loyalty, and focusing on top-line improvements by creating a seamless and simplified experience.

Want to hear more about how we can help you create excellent customer experiences in 2021 and beyond?

Yeah, and don´t forget to smile, it looks good on you!

/ Joacim Alm
Founder of WilburFlow

19 May, 2020

30 Interesting Statistics On Customer Experience And Digital Transformation

To give you a rundown of the state of digital and experience transformation, we’ve put together some interesting stats from the last two years. Just follow the links, or drop us an e-mail if you want to dig deeper into these fascinating findings.

If you are interested in more than just facts and figures, you should check these articles out

Let's start with the stats...

70% of companies either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working on one.
According to ZDNet

21% of companies think they’ve already completed digital transformation.
According to Forrester

40% of all technology spending in 2019 will go towards digital transformation. 
According to CIO.com

Most digital transformations are driven by growth opportunities, followed by increased competitive pressure and new regulatory standards. 
According to Altimeter

55% of startups have adopted a digital business strategy, compared to 38% of traditional companies.
According to IDG

89% of all companies have already adopted a digital-first business strategy or plan to do so.
According to IDG

27% of companies say digital transformation is a matter of survival.
According to Digital Marketing Institute

87% of companies think digital will disrupt their industry, but only 44% are prepared for a potential digital disruption. 
According to Deloitte

Nearly half of all companies say improving customer experience and customer satisfaction were the leading influences to start a digital transformation.
According to PwC

Digital-first companies are 64% more likely to achieve their business goals than their peers. 
According to Adobe

Just 19% of companies have a customer experience team that helps bridge gaps in the business.
According to Genesys

Fewer than 30% of a company’s technology vendors are actively involved in their digital transformations.
According to Futurum

Digital transformation and a focus on customer experience can generate a 20-30% increase in customer satisfaction and economic gains of 20-50%.
According to McKinsey

Consumers who have an emotional connection with a brand have a 306% higher lifetime value.
According to Motista

The most common experience metrics tracked by executives are overall revenue (24%) and Net Promoter Score (23%).
According to Genesys

67% of consumers will pay more for a great experience. 74% of business buyers say they’ll pay more for a better B2B experience.
According to Salesforce

Loyal customers are five times more likely to buy again and four times more likely to refer the brand to family and friends.
According to Qualtrics

76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations.
According to Salesforce

Experience-led companies have 1.6 times higher customer satisfaction rates and 1.9 times higher average order value
According to Adobe

84% of customer-centric companies focus on the mobile customer experience.
According to Vision Critical

93% of companies consider innovative technologies as necessary to reaching their digital transformation goals. 
According to SAP and Forrester

68% of global business leaders believe the future of business involves humans and AI working together. 
According to Fujitsu

34% of marketing leaders believe AI will lead to the biggest improvement in customer experience. 
According to Oracle

28% of digital transformations are led by the CIO, and 23% are owned by the CEO.
According to Prophet

71% of leaders say the workforce is important in supporting their digital transformation strategy.
According to Industry Week

70% of companies say their CEO has an adequate or above average practical understanding of new technology. 35% of employees say the most common obstacle for digital transformation was the CEO.
According to Futurum

20% of employees said their company’s leadership doesn’t know what to do with digital transformation.
According to Futurum

80% of companies say their digital transformation efforts involve multiple business units or the entire company.
According to McKinsey

55% of digitally maturing companies say they need new leaders in order to succeed in the digital environment. 
According to The Enterprisers Project

81% of employees at digitally mature companies say innovation is a strength of the company, compared to just 10% of employees at early-stage digital companies.
According to The Enterprisers Project

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27 October, 2019

Accelerate Your Business With Customer-Centric Innovation

How can we deliver successful services to tomorrow's customers? For most of our careers, we have worked on the answer to that question. The advances in technology and communication combined with the explosive growth of data and information have created an enlightened global consumer.

These new customers require us to do business that creates a positive customer experience throughout the customer journey. Developing these businesses, products, and services is what we talk about when we talk about customer-centric innovation. Continue reading if you are interested in learning more!

Innovating From the Outside In

Most companies, especially larger companies, have a traditional view of innovation. This traditional view includes the delusion that values, products, and services should be created within the company. The process for customer-centered innovation is changing that, thinking from the outside in instead.

The customer-centric company delivers a shared value for the company and the customer. Every time a customer-centric business makes a decision, it considers its effect on the customers. This builds loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Meet Customer Needs and Expectations

Customer-centric innovation helps brands think more broadly about their customers and helps brands see clearly from multiple perspectives when developing new products, services, and experiences, reducing the risk that the company is investing money and developing products and services that do not meet customer needs and expectations.

Innovation is for Everyone

Customer centricity also changes how we innovate within the company. From limiting the development of products and services, and launching them in the market, to specific departments for business and product development, innovation becomes everyone's job. Marketing, customer service, and many more must also participate in the process.

Traits of a Customer-Centric Organization

A customer-centric organization's business model is based on understanding the customers and how they can contribute to its profitability. This requires them to design business processes that recognize the different customer and segment needs. They focus on delivering a positive and seamless customer experience at every touchpoint throughout the customer lifecycle.

Customer-centric organizations ensure a culture that puts the customer in focus during decision-making processes. Making it a top priority to have an active dialogue with customers and acting on their feedback.

If you are not already innovating with the customer in focus, it is time to start immediately. Scale up your organization's innovation power from a limited number of people and ideas to get access to infinitely more ideas even from outside the business. Besides, you will reduce the risk of innovation efforts that do not meet customer needs.

Stay updated on the latest news about customer-centricity and digital transformation

Have a nice day,

you deserve it! 



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